MAT 280: Graduate Topics Course in Khovanov Homology


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Course identifiers

MAT-280 Section 001
CRN 37089
Instructor: Melissa Zhang, MSB 2142

Class Meetings

Lectures: Wellman Hall 235, MWF 1:10 -- 2:00 pm
Office hours: MSB 2142, W 3:30-4:30 and R 1-2 (starting the week of Oct 7)

Course description

The purpose of this course is to expose graduate students to research-level papers in Khovanov homology and related invariants.

Khovanov homology was the first example of what some call a categorified quantum invariant for links in the three-sphere. In short, it is a combinatorially computed homology-type invariant built from graded vector spaces assigned to all smoothings of a knot diagram. It has been used to prove some important theorems in low-dimensional topology, and has been extended, generalized, and related to invariants in many areas in topology.

In this course, we survey the variations of Khovanov homology (Kh), including for instance Bar-Natan's cobordism category, equivariant Kh, symplectic Kh, Kh's relation with Heegaard Floer homology, and potentially also harder constructions, such as but not limited to Lipshitz-Sarkar Khovanov stable homotopy type or various geometric constructions via derived categories of coherent sheaves.

Prerequisites include working familiarity with chain complexes and homology. All necessarily topological background will be discussed in class, and additional tools in homological algebra, homotopy theory, and algebraic geometry will also be introduced in class as needed.

Assignments and Grading

There are three main components of this course along with their weight in the computation of the overall grade for the course:

  1. Lectures (30%):
  2. Exercises (30%): Weekly exercises are due Sunday nights at 11:59 pm on Canvas.
  3. Project (40%):

Final letter grades will be determined by the distribution of numerical grades at the end of the quarter.


For accommodations for disabilities, go to and begin the process as soon as possible. I will need to approve a letter from the Student Disability Center before making any accommodating changes to the policies stated on this syllabus for you. It is the student's responsibility to make sure all accommodations are set up through the SDC ahead of exams or class meetings where accommodations are needed. Please email me if you have any questions.


As this is a graduate course, I am assuming that you are familiar with the university-wide policies on academic integrity, plagiarism, harassment, and other foundational aspects of our social contract. Here are the main points:

Lecture Notes

These are my lecture notes, and will be constantly evolving.
Do a hard refresh in your browser to make sure you see the most recent version.

[Lecture Notes]

(If I ever upload the draftmode version of the notes, feel free to email me to let me know...)


Reference materials will be posted here. We will focus on (portions of) references with asterisks (*).

This section is under construction. We will not be covering all the papers below. However, certain portions may be chosen for final projects based on student interests.

Here is a short survey recently written by Mikhail Khovanov and Robert Lipshitz:

Khovanov homology fundamentals:

Concordance invariants, sliceness:

Annular / Legendrian / Transverse knots:

Reduced Khovanov homology, odd Khovanov homology, and relationship to Heegaard Floer homology:

Khovanov stable homotopy type

Tangles, arc algebras:

Skein invariants for 4-manifolds:

(toward?) Khovanov-Rozansky homology: