Reading group on 3-manifolds


We will follow Nikolai Saveliev's book "Lectures on the Topology of 3-manifolds", covering major topics like Heegaard splittings, Dehn surgery, Kirby calculus, intersection forms of 4-manifolds, invariants of knots and links, and fibered knots.

Here is the publisher's page: [book]
(You should check the library for a copy first.)


On Thursday, January 23rd, I will need to join the meeting on Zoom. I'll send out a Zoom link. You all can organize/choose whether to gather in-person or on Zoom.


The topics/breakdown are subject to change.
There are many good exercises in the book. You should try them to check your understanding of each chapter.

Date Speaker Proposed Topic (subject to change)
1/16 Melissa Zhang Ch 1, Heegaard splittings and diagrams:
gluing construction, boundary orientation, smooth/top concerns;
handlebodies, triangulations;
Heegaard diagrams, Heegaard moves;
preliminary examples (S3, S1xS2, T3, maybe RP3);
crash course in Morse theory and handlebody theory in 3D (not in the book)
1/23 Annette Belleman (Melissa will be on Zoom)
Ch 1, Examples:
genus 0, Alexander trick;
genus 1, framing on torus, setting conventions (in preparation for Dehn surgery), computing fundamental group;
1/30 Wren Burrill Ch 2, Dehn surgery:
surgery on links, Lickorish-Wallace theorem;
lens space and Seifert fibered space examples;
surgery and 4-manifolds
2/6 Ella Curtiss Ch 3, Kirby calculus:
linking number, Kirby moves;
linking matrix (for use later in comparison with intersection form)
There are a lot of tricks here to get used to, so any extra time should be spent on working useful examples.
2/13 TBD Ch 5, 4-manifolds:
intersection form, properties that relate to topology (e.g. unimodularity) and Kirby calculus; don't get bogged down on deep algebraic topology / gauge theory and stick to the topology + linear algebra
2/20 TBD Ch 4, Ch 6, 4-manifolds with boundary:
intersection form vs. linking matrix;
even surgeries, characteristic sublink;
Seifert homology sphere examples;
(No need to define the Rohlin invariant if there's no time; can return when we get to Chapter 11.)
2/27 Chris Luevano Ch 7, Seifert surfaces:
Seifert surfaces, Seifert matrix, S-equivalence, intersection form;
Alexander polynomial / module, briefly;
There's a lot that can be expanded on here; we can discuss based on interest.
3/6 TBD Ch 8, fibered knots:
fibered knots in various 3-manifolds, monodromy, examples;
open-book decompositions
3/13 TBD Ch 9, 10, 11, Arf invariant and Rohlin's invariant:
This is a lot; the speaker will have to pick and choose. We also might not get to this lecture if a previous lecture needs to be split into more.